Book a place at our upcoming events in our series of events – Connect Hackney’s Ageing Well in Hackney: finding solutions for older people’s isolation.
a) Co-production – the new gold standard
How to successfully embed successful co-production into your work and understand the potential benefits.
You will come away understanding how the extra investment to ensure successful co-production is worth the far-reaching benefits, and you will have a clearer picture of what co-production can look like and will have identified at least one key action you can take to help make successful co-production the gold standard.
Thursday 18 March 10am – 1pm.
To book your place click here.
b) Embedding diversity across services –
How to embed the reach, engagement and retention of diverse service users, and the benefits of adopting a targeted approach.
By the end of the session, you will have a clearer picture of how nuanced thinking, and applied tactics can be used to reach, engage and retain specific targeted groups in activities for older people to increase impact, and achieve better outcomes. You will hear from delivery partners and service users from a selection of our targeted projects*. You will have clarity on your next steps, ensuring successful diversity and inclusivity across services. * Specifically: men people with a learning disability; people from ethnically diverse communities and projects targeting older people with complex needs, specifically living with depression and/or depression, and those who struggle to leave home.
Tuesday 23 March 2pm – 5pm.
To book your place click here.
Both sessions in the series are themselves being co-produced with members of Connect Hackney’s Older People’s Committee, delivery partners, volunteers and project participants. The tapestry of voices and wisdom, gleaned from extensive personal and professional experience, combined with the latest scientific insights from our university research team, makes these events our richest yet. These sessions will feature a combination of themed creative contributions, discussions and interactive activities, case studies and programme evaluation and learning highlights.
These events are part of a series and follow on from our November event which focused on the digital divide, and systems change. You can read the learning reports shared at that event here.
We recommend joining both March events if you are able and we look forward to seeing you there!
Sarah Warman
Learning and Engagement Lead
Connect Hackney