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Protecting your community from Covid-19
• Has the community you work with been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic?

• Could your organisation act as a trusted source of public health information?
Covid Information Grants are for voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations in City and Hackney to give out accurate information to the local community about keeping safe during the pandemic.

The grants are prioritised for organisations working with communities disproportionately affected by Covid-19, or where there are barriers to understanding Public Health information.

The grant holders will have regular meetings with the local Public Health team, and will have staff or volunteers trained to be local experts.

Priority communities
After the previous round, there are some gaps in provision, which they are keen to address in Round 2.
• People from Black African heritage communities
• People from Black Caribbean heritage communities
• People from Bangledeshi communities
• People with sensory disabilities
• People with learning disabilities
Applications for projects serving other communities are also welcome.

The grants
Grants will be offered at two levels:
Messenger Grants of up to £7.5k, and
Contact Point Grants of up to £15k.

Deadline: 11am on 11 March 2021.

Read more and apply