Connect Hackney

Upcoming Connect Hackney learning events

The learning event will comprise of two separate sessions (on Zoom) on different days and will cover specific themes – to allow attendees sufficient time to explore each subject matter, as there will be a lot of rich material to share and discuss.
The events are to be held five days apart:

1. Connect Hackney March learning event part A
Thursday 18 March
Theme: Adopting and embedding a co-production approach and leveraging community assets to improve design and delivery of projects and services for older people.

2. Connect Hackney March learning event part B:
Tuesday 23 March
Theme: Targeted projects – men specific projects; projects for older people with learning disabilities; projects addressing complex needs (People who struggle to leave home, and people living with a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety); and projects targeting ethnically diverse communities.
Both sessions are being co-produced with our delivery partners and our Older People’s Committee. More details for the two events will be released closer to the time.

More details will be released closer to the time.