Connect Hackney was a research programme, and funded local voluntary and community sector organisations to test approaches to prevent and/or reduce loneliness and isolation amongst older people, and evaluate their impact. We used this evidence to inform local policy and practice, as well as feeding into the national evidence base, which is aggregated from the evidence from each of the 14 Ageing Better programme areas, to inform national policy.
We worked with the diverse communities of Hackney and our partners to understand the different things that can help over 50s stay connected and active in ways that suit them. Our outcomes for the programme were:
Outcome 1
Increased numbers of older people who are socially isolated, engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities which result in new friendships, sustained networks, improved resourcefulness, more confidence and thus, ultimately, a better quality of life.
Outcome 2
Increased numbers of older people who are at risk of social isolation, engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities which result in new friendships, sustained networks, improved resourcefulness, more confidence and thus, ultimately, a better quality of life.
Outcome 3
Embed an asset model towards ageing and older people, where the latter are more actively engaged in the community and valued for the contributions they make.
Outcome 4
Increased direct involvement of older people as they age in shaping policy and holding key stakeholders to account, leading to stronger partnerships and more effective, better coordinated delivery which reduces social isolation.
We worked with 25 partner organisations to reach older people who were experiencing, or at risk of loneliness and/or isolation.
In 2019, we appointed University of East London to undertake an evaluation of the Connect Hackney programme. The evaluation aimed to find out how the programme was making a difference to older residents in Hackney. The University of East London collected feedback and documented experiences from a range of people, including: participants, project staff, and partners. Research findings were based on interviews and a participant survey. The local evaluation also contributed to a national evaluation of the National Lottery Community Fund’s Fulfilling Lives, Ageing Better programme.
We have compiled a series of evaluation reports, as well as programme learning which document how the programme through it’s network of partner organisations addressed the issue of loneliness and isolation, and what we have learned throughout the process.
Connect Hackney is managed by Hackney CVS.
Connect Hackney is working with partners from across Hackney to achieve our aim of reducing and preventing social isolation for people aged 50 and over.
With a Strategic Partnership Board and Older People’s Committee, we make sure that the programme delivers its outcomes and meets the aims of The National Lottery Community Fund, Ageing Better Fulfilling Lives programme.
The Connect Hackney team are responsible for managing the programme and work with older people, partners and our funder, The National Lottery Community Fund, to make sure that the programme runs smoothly and that programme objectives are met.