Hackney’s Dementia Festival is back
From 6 -13 September, join in the week-long festivities, celebrating the continued involvement of people living with dementia in arts, culture and sport. Throughout the week, partner organisations will be offering an array of events and activities for people with dementia, their families and friends. All events are free and are a mix of online and in person.
For in person events, it is advised you take a lateral flow covid-19 test before you attend. If you test positive or are feeling unwell, please do not attend and follow NHS guidelines. For further information about Hackney Dementia Festival, contact Sheerie on sheerie.barker@hackney.gov.uk.
For most of our events there’s no need to book, you can simply turn up on the day. Where you do need to book, we’ve listed contact information so that you can get in touch with the organiser directly. The majority of this year’s programme is online but for the in-person events, our organisers have told us that they are accessible for people who use wheelchairs, but for more details on accessibility please get in touch with the event’s organiser directly. #HackneyDementiaFestival
All week
Remembering Childhood Tales, Community Library Service
Join storyteller John Kirk as he offers an interactive reinterpretation of a traditional tale. This is a pre-recorded presentation with suggested opportunities for participation that you can watch at any time from 6 September on the Hackney Libraries YouTube channel. https://bit.ly/HackLibraryYT
A Dance Down Memory Lane: Tea Dance
Monday 6 September, Shoreditch Town Hall. 1pm-4pm, free (including a beginner’s class 1–2pm)
Dance the afternoon away in the magnificent chambers of Shoreditch Town Hall. Join us for a cup of tea and a slice of cake and relive those tea dance memories with entertainment led by Super Sarah. New dancers and all ages are welcome.
The beginners’ dance class is led by former world champion, Raymond Root. Book in advance.
Booking info or for more information: 020 7739 6176
Singing In The Rain screening with intro by Singing For The Brain
Wednesday 8 September, Castle Cinema, 11am film start (Cafe open from 10am for early arrivals, tea, coffee), carers free
Visit the beautiful Castle Cinema for a coffee, chat and tour if you wish from 10.30am, followed by a screening of the classic musical Singing In The Rain at 11am – singing along is encouraged!
More information: thecastlecinema.com or email hello@thecastlecinema.com.
Late-stage dementia- information and advice workshop for carers
Wednesday 8 September, Carers First, 11.30am-1pm, free
Derek from Sunday Care Therapy will be giving information and advice on late stage dementia. Session will include tips on how to deal with challenging behaviour, hitting, disruptions in sleep patterns, loss of appetite, and how to encourage eating. Includes a Q&A session. Book in advance.
Booking info: 0300 303 1555; hello@carersfirst.org.uk.
Sing-a-long Afternoon Tea / Garden Party – Peabody
Wednesday 8 September, 1pm start, free
An afternoon tea-style garden party with live entertainment and fun games. If the weather’s warm enough, we will be using the garden – inside otherwise. Book in advance.
Booking / more information: 020 7089 1132; Yvette.Harte@peabody.org.uk.
Dancing on the Beach at Rio! – Paracarnival CIC
Thursday 9, Friday 10 September, 2pm and Saturday 11 September, 11am, free
Destination Copacabana beach! These workshops are fun and groovy as well as gentle too. We will learn dance routines inspired by Rio Carnival and participants will be encouraged to create their own movements to their favourite music as well.
Access event
Meeting ID: 926 8983 1500
Passcode: 128889
Hackney Memories Reminiscence Online Session with Lydia and Lisa
Friday, 10 September, Community Library Service/Hackney Archives, 11am – 12 noon, free
If you used to step out to the Rio Cinema, Hackney Empire or loved your local library, join us for a friendly and relaxed session chatting about best-loved places in Hackney.
Share memories and experiences promoted by a wide variety of fabulous photos, posters and pamphlets from Hackney Archives.
For further information and to book please email lydia.julien@hackney.gov.uk.
Caribbean Tea Party – Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation
Monday 13 September, 2-4pm, Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation, 39 Leswin Road, N16 7NX, disabled access, free
HCEO supports a thriving dementia memory wellbeing programme amongst its many social activities for tackling isolation, raising awareness and reducing stigma.
Let us join together online or in-person for a glamorous Caribbean tea party, also to share stories, arts & craft, gardening tips, music and dance. Bring out your special crockery and dress up!
To book a place please email info@hackneycaribbean.org.uk stating ‘Hackney Dementia Festival’ in the subject line, or call 020 7923 3536.