The Connect Hackney programme evaluation was led by City University and later by UEL. It was based on feedback from a range of people, including participants, project staff, and partner organisations. Research findings were based on interviews and a participant survey. The evaluation also contributed to the national evaluation of the Ageing Better programme.
The final Connect Hackney Evaluation Report: What we learnt about reducing the social isolation and loneliness amongst Hackney residents aged 50 and over (March 2023) can be downloaded here.
The programme has created a list of recommendations based on the evaluation findings which are available here: Connect Hackney Recommendations Infographic
Evaluation reports:
1. How can community based projects reduce the social isolation of people with learning disabilities, men, people from ethnically minoritised communities and people with complex needs?
> How to Target Your Services full report and How to Target Your Services summary report
> Engaging men – key messages
> Projects for older people with learning disabilities – key messages
> Projects for older people from ethnically minoritised communities – key messages
2. What are the best ways to reach and engage older people?
> Reach, engagement and retention of participants
3. How successful has the Connect Hackney community connector model been?
> Community Connectors report and Community Connector summary report
4. Can digital technology help to reduce social isolation?
> Digital Inclusion report and Digital Inclusion summary report
> Digital Inclusion Key Msgs
5. How has the Connect Hackney programme reduced the social isolation of older people?
> Connect Hackney annual report May 2020
6. Who has the programme reached and what was the impact on their isolation, loneliness, health and wellbeing?
> Connect Hackney reach and impact report (pre-COVID)E